The importance of Community at Churchill

We love to hear how the community and social aspects of living in a Churchill apartment makes an impact on our Owners lives, in particular Valerie and her husband that live at Churchill’s Eliot Lodge in Ashbourne.

“I would like to thank Churchill for their vision of an independent living community. Here at Eliot Lodge we have a weekly exercise class, Otago, a well-attended coffee morning, quiz night, film night, book club and gardening group. All, but Otago, is run by the residents. My husband was diagnosed with dementia last year and to see his joyful response to the weekly ukelele group gives me and my daughters immense pleasure. The improvement in his quality of life at this difficult time is due in no small part to the exceptional caring community around us, and to our Lodge Manager Elsa who works hard to ensure things keep rolling smoothly along, no easy task! Thank you.”

Valerie Fletcher, Owner at Eliot Lodge


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